Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting, and Shrove Tuesday became the last chance to use up eggs and fats before embarking on this period of abstinence. Hence, pancakes are the perfect way to use up these ingredients! At Grumpy Panda, we think every day should be as joyful as Pancake Day! Let's turn those frowns upside down with a simple yet delicious pancake that even the grumpiest panda would love!...
Discover the fascinating world of Yuenyeung with Grumpy Panda. A unique Hong Kong speciality, Yuenyeung perfectly blends coffee and tea, symbolising the East-meets-West culture.
Join Grumpy Panda's 4th of July celebration with our spin on an American classic – the Mississippi Mud Pie with Coffee Toffee. Indulge in its rich layers for a taste of American heritage, Grumpy Panda style.